
Is It Failure or Frustration?

Today I read a post on why some people are successful and some are not. This post was very interesting to me as I have been working on a project that has come to a standstill and I feel failure in the air.

Here is a quote from the blog that I am talking about.

“I believe most people fail to take action because of their fear of failure and I’ll agree, failing sucks. Because of the action I’m always eager to take, I’ve failed plenty of times in my life. In fact, I’d bet I’ve failed more times than most of the people that have said I’m lucky - and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t call failing luck. Only the successes stand out (I know it feels like the whole world is watching when you bomb though - they’re not).”

If you want to read the complete article, Go Here. I have been following tysblog for a short time now and find his posts to be of interest if you are a marketer or inspire to be one.

What Causes Me To Fail?

As I was working on this project I realized that my most common problem is running into brick walls. I needed a way to put up a pay per download without all the time it takes to setup a PayPal button. I started searching for a way that would suit my needs. Well, this proved to be much more difficult than I anticipated. I started searching and the search continued for a good week or better.

At last, I finally found the program I was looking for but not through the intensive search but through a source that really had nothing to do with my searches, Go Figure; This program was perfect, I mean it has quick buttons, a large download area, a connection to PayPal’s IPN and other features that I am not going to go into at this point.

The bottom line is, I setup many links and some squeeze pages and many ways to connect to this pay per download income source that I was so adamant in creating. What do you think happened? Now keep in mind that I have been working on this project for months now and could feel this project really starting to take shape. Before I could go live with this project I had to know just how the buttons worked so I could show my potential customers just how easy the whole process would be.

I Became The Customer:

I decided to become a customer, so I posed as my wife and used her account and purchased a download from myself. I wanted the costumer experience so I could convince my potential customers just how easy this whole thing is. Well, I went through the whole process with PayPal and everything went off without a hitch. I even received an email that I received a payment from a customer. The only problem I am having is no product. I have no way of connecting to the download area.

Far be it for me to think that this new program would automatically take me to the download file. Well that’s where I am at with this project and am waiting for a response from the administrator of the program. The program is in bata mode and is quite new so help is limited.

The Bottom Line:

Look, the bottom line is that I have created many projects with the potential to be a success only to find failure in the fact that something complicated stopped me from perusing it any further.

Not This Time!

I say “Failure Is Not an Option”

This post is not about any program. It is not about technical background. There are a lot of people out there that get frustrated with things that many others have no problem with. I think that in my case, It’s time to keep pushing until I find the resources that I need to overcome my frustration.

How about you, what causes your failure?